Tournament Schedule

We welcome prospective members and parents to attend our upcoming Speech and Debate competitions.

2025 Tournament Schedule:

If registering for a tournament and you are NOT ASSOCIATED WITH a local CCA speech club, please send an email to and the Tournament Director for that Tournament will send you registration instructions

Click here for a PDF version of the 2024 tournament schedule.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Registration opens at 7AM on the listed open dates, and closes at 7PM on the listed close dates.

Registration instructions can be downloaded here.

Venue Dates TDs Clubs
Parkside Church February 14-15 Robert/Colleen Smith Theophilus, CSDC
7100 Pettibone Rd. GRace, Kairos, Rhetoric,
Chagrin Falls, OH 44023 STA
Ohio Christian University February 14-15 Dan/Jenny Troutner AOSDA, SWAT, Zebra
1476 Lancaster Pike ARC, Forum, Logic,Prime,
Circleville, OH 43113 SALT, Sunbury
Highlands Latin School March 7-8 Jerry/Leigh Ann Pierce Prime, ALL
10901 Shelbyville Rd. AOSDA, Forum, Kairos,
Louisville, KY 40243 STA, Theophilus
Calvary Baptist Church March 14-15 David/Teri White Logic, Rhetoric, ARC
200 Sunset Blvd CSDC, SALT, GRace,
Greenwood, IN 46142 Sunbury, SWAT, Zebra
Mt. Gilead Church April 11-12 Ben Crumbacher Rhetoric, Logic, Forum,
6019 E. State Rd. 144 ARC, AOSDA, CSDC,
Mooresville, IN 46158 Prime, Sunbury, Zebra
Northwood University April 11-12 Jacque Molitor Kairos, GRace, SALT
4000 Whiting Drive STA, SWAT, Theophilus
Midland, MI 48640
Cedarville University May 9-10 Dan/Jenny Troutner SWAT, AOSDA, Zebra
251 North Main St. GRace, Kairos, Prime,
Cedarville, OH 45314 Rhetoric
Ashland University May 9-10 Betty Besse CSDC, Theophilus, STA
401 College Ave, ARC, Forum, Logic, SALT,
Ashland, OH 44805 Sunbury

* Is projected to have limited IE availability. Check each tournament information page on the registration web site for details